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Il futuro è un ordine che insorge.
The public performance action is promoted by FMAV and Collective Amigdala
Exhibition: March 4/May 8, 2022
Opening: March 4 at 6 p.m. @Palazzinadei Giardini, Corso Cavour, 2 – Modena
Parade, performance action: March 27, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.




As part of the exhibition Jordi Colomer. Roads, the participatory and performative action was devised.
Modena Parade/Corteo Modenese
. It is a procession, conceived exclusively for the city of Modena, that will cross the city on March 27, 2022 from 10 a.m. – from the New Cemetery of San Cataldo, the work of Aldo Rossi, to the Palazzina dei Giardini, the site of the exhibition.


A procession is being prepared.
He will walk dancing along the city.
It will be a parade, a choral movement,
A collective crossing of the streets of Modena.


Designed as a collective crossing of the streets of Modena, the parade will be a day of celebration of life.  People, led by a group of performers in skeleton costumes, will be involved in a kind of “inverted funeral procession,” to move toward life by reclaiming the streets, squares, and places denied by lockdown. 

The action, promoted by FMAV Fondazione Modena Arti Visive and Collettivo Amigdala, is curated by Daniele De Luigi and Federica Rocchi and is carried out with the participation of children from Cittadella Primary School, students from Adolfo Venturi High School and Vecchi Tonelli Institute of Music Studies, participants in the workshop with the artist held at the FMAV School of Higher Education, the FMAV Education Department, and also Museolaboratorio Quale Percussione? by Luciano Bosi and the Le Chemin des Femmes Choir. The holding of the performance at the San Cataldo Cemetery is made possible by the availability of Dugoni Facility Management.

During the action, video footage will be taken, directed by Jordi Colomer together with Milo Adami, from which a film of the artist will be made, produced by FMAV and the MACBA Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona. The work will enter the collections managed by FMAV and will be displayed in the artist’s retrospective scheduled to be held at the Catalan museum in 2024. Photographs of the procession will provide a record of the event that will be part of the exhibition catalog, published by publisher Franco Cosimo Panini and to be released during the exhibition at the Palazzina dei Giardini.




During the month of February, a series of ten workshops-workshops were held to prepare the procession together with groups of students, teachers, alumni and citizens who built together with the artist the vision around the project, the masks, the tools, the body gestures that will compose it and that will continue after the opening of the exhibition. The process of collective creation gives rise to the creation of a site-specific installation presented in the exhibition as a work in progress: a large table on which will be presented maquettes, objects, images, and words that will constitute a visual restitution of the procession. 

To realize this vision, we are waiting for people, citizens who can embody this action-light with their bodies.

The site is open to all citizenship



Jordi Colomer

Jordi Colomer (1962) trained as an artist, architect and art historian in progressive Barcelona in the 1980s. His work operates in the fields of sculpture and installations, photography and video art, and all his activity is characterized by a marked performative sense, challenging, through his actions, the usual ways of using architecture and urban space. His interest turns to systems of representation of the city and our ability to subvert them, and from this investigation emerge the underlying themes of his artistic practice: nomadism, the peripheral, the popular imagination, humor, community, the provisional, fiction and utopia. Jordi Colomer represented Spain at the 57th Venice Biennale (2017).

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