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Toward evening 2019

Il futuro è un ordine che insorge.
Toward evening 2019

Summer review at the Artisan Village of West Modena

June 3 / July 8, 2019

TOWARDS EVENING is the title under which are encapsulated the summer events held in the spaces of the West Modena Artisan Village, with music and performances appealing to adults, children and fans of music, art and architecture, in different spaces in the neighborhood starting with Ovest Lab.

Each day will feature multiple events, including a series of talks dedicated to the crafts. A number of professionals will talk about their work in Life by… appointments in conjunction with the Rebel Food Association’s organic market.


Every Monday evening from June 3 to July 8 in the courtyard of OvestLab: 
starting at 6 p.m. km0 organic market [fino alle 20] by Rebel Food. Pgreasy refreshment by Bio Bottega. A starting at 7:30 p.m. meetings, concerts, performances, guided tours


Monday, June 3 – WestLab courtyard
19.30 Vita from bike messenger with Federico Totaro
21 La Metralli in concert

During the evening you will be able to tell your dreams to n.n. collective and contribute to the project
Dreams: rem phase
which will be staged on June 10

Wednesday, June 5, Thursday, June 6, Monday, June 10 – OvestLab
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Work in progress: call of the dreamers
Free intergenerational workshop between 11 years old and 90 years old: participants are invited to flesh out some collected dreams, the constructed actions will become part of the performance
Dreams: rem phase

Monday, June 10 – WestLab courtyard
Life as a theater technician with Fabrizio Orlandi

9 p.m. n.n. collective – Daina Pignatti and Agnese Cornelio -.
Dreams: REM Phase
[performance itinerante]

Monday, June 17 [focus Scuola Archivio Leonardi] – courtyard of OvestLab
7:30 p.m. Stories of Trees / multi-voice conversation by Leonardi Archive School
Followed by a guided tour of the installation
with Giacomo Cossio

Monday, June 24 [focus Scuola Archivio Leonardi] – WestLab courtyard
7:30 p.m. Stories of Solids / multi-voice conversation by Leonardi Archive School

Monday, July 1 [focus infanzia]
6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Urban exploration workshop by Amigdala Collective [for children ages 6 to 10, registration required] – courtyard of OvestLab 
7:30 p.m. Life as a firefighter with Nicoletta De Caroli and Guglielmo Napoleon – OvestLab courtyard 
21 Valentina Pagliarani/Katriem, F [participatory dance performance dedicated to children* and adults, together] – audience gathering point and departure from OvestLab

Tuesday, July 2 [focus infanzia]
6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. OZ workshop curated by Chiara Lagani [for children ages 7 to 11, registration required] – Circle Square
7:30 p.m. Life as a pastry chef, with Marco Canali and Duilio Rocchi – Piazza circle
21.30 Fanny and Alexander,
The Books of OZ
[recital per adulti e bambini 7+], courtyard of OvestLab 
Followed by a meeting with Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander) and Serena Terranova on
The Books of Oz

Monday, July 8  

7:30 p.m. Life as a photojournalist, with Annalisa Vandelli – OvestLab courtyard
21 Mondine Choir of Novi in concert, guests Le chemin des femmes and Flexus – Piazza circle


information + reservations

T 059.8777673 /
Reservations are always recommended.
All meetings and performances are free admission.
Workshops for children have a registration fee of 5 euros. [3 euro per i fratelli]

OvestLab – via Nicolò Biondo 86, Modena
Circolo Piazza – via Piazza 72, Modena

Support OvestLab by donating your 5×1000 to Amigdala through tax code 94121070364


Toward Evening is a project of Amigdala
in collaboration with: Circle Square, Cesare Leonardi Architect Archive, The Brotherhood, Rebel Food

realized as part of the Modenese Summer, with the contribution of the Municipality of Modena, District 4 
in collaboration with Consortium of productive activities, OvestLab

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